Dear First Family,
Christmas is almost here!
This Sunday we will gather for the final stop on our Advent journey before we gather this coming Thursday and Friday for our Christmas Eve services. All of our teams are busy preparing for our 11 Christmas Eve opportunities. You can see a full list of those services below.
Today I want to highlight a few additional opportunities this week as well as several ways you can help us share the good news of Christmas with our community.
In addition to our regular Sunday morning services, Sunday evening at 6pm we will go live online with our Christmas Spectacular performance which includes familiar Christmas favorites as well as a dramatic retelling of the Christmas story. This will also be available ON DEMAND for you to watch at any time starting on Monday the 20th at www.christmasinmansfield.org.
As has been our practice for more than a decade, 100% of our Christmas Eve will go to support ZOE Ministry whose mission is to empower orphans to never need charity again. Through our long time partnership we have been able to support more than 5,000 orphans achieve this vision through ZOE’s three year empowerment program. If you would like to share your gift today, you can do so at www.fmcm.org/give.
Most importantly, we are still seeking volunteers to help warmly welcome each who will be participating in one of our 11 Christmas Eve services in person. This is one of the easiest and meaningful ways you can bless others this Christmas Eve. To volunteer, you can let us know at this link or you may send an email to stephaniea@fmcm.org.
One final note… We also have a limited number of our 2021 Thrill of Hope Christmas ornaments available for you to purchase for $10. Those will be available this weekend at our Connecting Point if you would like to pick one up for your Christmas Tree!
I look forward to seeing you this weekend and at one of our many Christmas Eve opportunities!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
Christmas Eve Worship Opportunities
For more information about these services and our special Christmas Eve offering for ZOE Ministry, please visit www.christmasinmansfield.org
December 23 & 24 • 10AM & 2PM
December 23 & 24 • 4PM & 6PM
December 23 & 24 • 8PM
December 24 • 11:30PM
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