We prepare for many moments in our lives.
The birth of a child
Big events
These are things we plan for in order to have a meaningful and memorable experience. This Wednesday is one of those days. Ash Wednesday is the beginning of a 40 day season of preparation in the life of the Christian Church. It is a journey that leads to the experience of not only the death of Christ on the cross but also the celebration of His Resurrection.
I want to invite you to be intentional about this season of Lent and how you venture out on this 40-day journey. Much like the moments listed above, the Lenten season offers you a time to prepare and plan for a meaningful and memorable experience that should come with the Hope of Easter.
We have several resources and opportunities for you to take advantage of this upcoming week as we start the next 40 days together.
Ash Wednesday
The imposition of Ashes will be available by drive-thru in our Walnut Creek Circle Drive during these times:
6-8 am
11-1 pm
4-6 pm
Ashes will be placed on your forehead or hand in a safe and meaningful way by one of our pastors.
We will have our Ash Wednesday service ONLINE and INDOORS at 7 pm in our Sanctuary. Ashes will also be available at this time if you plan on attending INDOORS. Everyone is invited to be part of our 7 pm worship service by joining us as you choose, either online or indoors.
First 15 Lent Devotionals
One of the many ways you can be intentional about your preparation and planning during the next 40 days is to commit your first 15 minutes each day to be in prayer and reflection using our First 15 daily devotional resource. Over the 40 days of Lent, we will read through the Gospel of John together. Not only can you read this devotional each day, but you can also listen to a member of our staff share in a time of prayer and reading of the Gospel of John. Our hope is that this time of daily devotion and prayer can serve as a gift and a reminder of our call to draw into the heart of Christ. If you are interested in subscribing to our Daily First 15 devotional, you can do that by going here.
Word for the Week
If you are looking for a way to connect with others virtually during this time, we are offering a Word for the Week via Zoom on Monday nights at 7 pm starting February 22. Word for the Week on Monday nights will be meeting during the 6 weeks of Lent to dive deeper into our Christian Lenten Series we start on Sunday, February 21st. If you are interested in this opportunity, contact Michelle Rebel with our Group Life team.
Journey Cards
Our Group Life and Communications teams have partnered together to provide a tangible resource during this season of Lent. Journey Cards are 40 cards focusing on parts of the Nicene Creed and will also be part of our First 15 devotional experience. If you are interested in receiving these cards either in person or by mail, email us at info@fmcm.org.
There is no greater moment in the life of a Christ-follower than the hope that is found in the resurrection of Christ. My prayer for you is that you spend the next several days planning your 40-day Lenten journey and that you are intentional about your prayer and devotion time. Your church and I are excited to take this journey with you.
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