January 2, 2024

New Year with New Events, come join us!

by First Methodist Mansfield

January 10th  •  10:00 – 11:00 AM  •  Chapel
Pastors Bible Study is starting back up and we would love for you to join us! Beginning on Wednesday, January 10th, Pastor David will be leading us through the book of I Peter along with our other pastors throughout the semester. This one-hour study is a perfect way to journey through the book of I Peter. No need to preregister or sign up, you just need to bring your Bible. 

January 24th  •  6:30 – 8:30 PM  •  Building D: Gathering Room  
Are you interested in becoming a member of First Methodist Mansfield? We want to invite you to our New Member Dinner on January 24th. This is an event to welcome those who have recently joined in membership and those who are interested in joining First Methodist Mansfield. Our pastors and staff members will be present to answer questions and help you get connected in different ministries.  To sign up for our New Member Dinner, click Here. If you have any questions or want more information, email us at guestservices@fmcm.org

February 21st  •  6:30 – 8:00 PM  •  Chapel
Come and join Refresh Women’s Ministry in a six-session Bible study for all ages and stages where we will delve into the purposeful life of Christ. Together, we will discover an unhurried and simpler way of living that we were meant to live. No matter what season you find yourself in, this study will cause you to hit pause, dig deep into scripture, and soak in the hope of what is to come when God’s works in your life. Register to attend Here.

February 4th – May 5th  •  Registration is now Open!
Confirmation is an opportunity for students in grades 6 and up to take ownership of their faith. This ten-session journey (starting on February 4th) will empower students to grow their faith through prayer, Bible reading, and working in community with fellow believers. Another key part of this journey is the Mentor’s important role in walking alongside the Confirmands! We would love for you to be part of this important journey. You can register a Confirmand Here and sign up here to be a Mentor today! 

January 18th  •  11:30 AM – 1:00 PM  •  Building A: Gym
We hope you’re ready and excited for our yearly lunch on January 18th. January is a great way to kick off a New Year and New Beginnings. Our guest speaker is Bryan Bradford. He love’s teaching people how their body works and how food is still God’s medicine. Bryan is a lead nutritionist specialist, Certified Health Coach and Chief Nutrition Officer and one of the founding family members of Sunflower Shoppe.  Register to attend Here.

January 30th  •  10:00 – 11:30 AM  •  
Building D: Gathering Room
Join Pastor Jan for 12 weeks with a deep exploration of the Old Testament. You’ll learn how God’s redeeming grace, weaves together a story that runs from the Eden of the Garden to the garden of the New Jerusalem. From the Pentateuch to patriarchs and from kings to prophets, this study will show you how understanding biblical history leads to fresh depths of New Testament faith for everyday life in the real world.  Register to attend Here. Childcare is available. 

January 31st  •  6:30 – 8:00 PM  •  Building C-8
Join us this spring for the six-week study Retirement Roots. We will walk through a variety of activities that will foster spiritual growth, create fresh conversations, and shift your mindset from seeing retirement as a self-centered time to a God-centered time. We will flip the commercial view of retirement upside down, and dive into understanding how God designed it to be by applying Biblical principles and in the end preparing each person with a Christian Retirement Plan. Now is the time to focus more on God’s saving grace rather than your personal savings. Please join us and use Retirement Roots to discover the best of what God has in store for you. Books are optional and available to purchase Here; study guides will be provided. Register to attend Here.  Childcare is available. 

Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin

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