Dear First Family –
While Summer doesn’t officially start for a couple more weeks, this week has felt like summer both with the rising temperatures and with the activity happening on our campus in preparation for Vacation Bible Camp that starts on Monday and United Mission Week that begins next month. One thing I love about First Methodist Mansfield is the fact that we do not slow down for summer!
We are excited to welcome over 500 children and their families on Monday with the start of Vacation Bible Camp. I can’t wait for you to see some of the many ways we have transformed our campus with decorations this weekend to make our campus ready to connect with these children in powerful ways. If you want to know more about Vacation Bible Camp and how you can get involved this week, visit our website here.
While Vacation Bible Camp is going on this week, we will also be celebrating two of our pastors on Monday night. At 7 p.m. Pastor Julian will be commissioned as a Provisional Member and Pastor Thomas will be ordained as a Full Elder at the Annual Conference Ordination Service. If you’d like to watch online, that link is: ctcumc.org/AC22-live. We are honored to have these two pastors serve here at First Methodist Mansfield and I hope you will join me in congratulating them both.
Lastly, many of you have asked how you can continue to give this summer while you are out of town or watching worship online. You can make a gift by going to fmcm.org/give, you can also make a gift on our FMCM app as well as by visiting our online bulletin at fmcm.org/bulletin. Your gifts matter and make it possible for us to host so many children like next week’s Vacation Bible Camp.
I look forward to continuing our season reading through the book of Ephesians with you in worship. This weekend we will be reading Ephesians 2:1-10.
See you in worship!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor David
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