June 14, 2024

This week has been a perfect example of the heart of this faith family

by David Alexander

Dear First Family, 

I am so proud and honored to serve a church that cares so deeply about blessing our local community. 

This week has been a perfect example of the heart of this faith family. 

 Many of you know we hosted Vacation Bible Camp and 5th Grade Mission Squad this week on our campus. I have witnessed hundreds of children, students, and adults; singing, dancing, praying, laughing, and serving in incredible ways. 

We had 579 total participants, including 40 5th graders participating in our 5th Grade Mission Squad and 40 Included Special Needs participants. 

And to make everything that happened this week possible, we had 269 volunteers including 107 6th – 12th grade students

Of those 579 participants, we were also able to reach 111 who are a part of our VBC experience and indicated that they do not have a church home

To top it all off, our children have been working hard to donate toiletry products for Allies in Youth Development. This great organization helps local orphanages as well as orphanages around the world. As I am writing this, we have filled two of our large Big Blue Bins with donations and more is still coming in. 

I have no doubt that these donations will bless hundreds of children. 

All are welcome to join us for our Family Fun Night tonight at 6 pm starting in our sanctuary as we celebrate this incredible week of ministry. 

I look forward to seeing you this weekend as we continue our journey through Psalm 23 and our focus on The Heart of Sabbath! 


Grace & Peace, 

 Pastor David

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