If you need more information about any of these events or opportunities, feel free to email us here or text us at 817-477-6498 and a member of our staff will connect with you.
Sunday, June 16 • 9:30 am • Room A-213
Join FMCM Young Adults for a new small group starting this Sunday! If you are ages 18-30, whether in college, starting your career, or a young married, this class is for you to make connections and pursue God together. You don’t need to register, come as you are any week you are available. Help us get the word out to anybody you think would enjoy this opportunity. If you have questions, please contact us here.
July 14 – 18
The deadline to sign up is THIS SUNDAY! Don’t miss out on this fun and powerful week open to all those who just completed 6th – 12th grade on July 14- 18. The deadline to register is June 16th, so sign up today! To sign up or for any questions, visit this link.
Now Available
We are excited to be able to announce the opening of our Sensory Room found on the second floor of our Children’s Building. The Sensory Station is open for our different ministries to use for anyone who needs a space specifically designed to meet the needs of all persons with all abilities who need a quiet, calming environment to worship. Email us at included@fmcm.org for more information. We are now offering Sensory Bags in all of our main worship spaces. These bags are filled with items that will comfort those who experience sensory difficulties during service. Stop by our Connecting Point to pick one up before (or during worship) and then turn it back in after worship at the same spot. For more information about both of these sensory resources, visit our website here.
Our student ministry has several events planned for this summer for all those who just completed 5th -12th grade. Check out more information on all of these events and sign up for the fun here.
June Events
June 18 • Cane’s and Inside Out 2 movie
June 25 • Lunch and Board Games
June 30 • Urban Air (5-8th graders)
June 30 • Dyno Rock (9-12th graders)
July Events
July 14-18 • United Mission Week
July 27 • Family Ministries Drive-in Movie
July 30 • Lunch and Open Gym
August Events
August 2 • 5th-8th Grade Late Night Fun
August 6 • Family Ministries Rangers Game
August 9-10 • 9-12th Grade Lock-in
August 21 • Fall Family Ministries Big Event
Our Prayer Ministry team would love to spend some time in prayer for you and those you care about.
Submit your prayer request here or text your request to 817-477-6615.

Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin
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