Hello Church Family,
Are you old enough to remember Elvis? Do you remember his motto… the phrase written along the side of his private jet the Lisa Marie? T C B Takin’ Care of Business! That is what is on our church’s mind this coming weekend. Some weeks the mission of the church… Making Disciples… just comes down to getting some work done.
Join in on Saturday Morning’s (can you say “60º is perfect) church-wide “Work Day” on campus as we will be Taking Care of Kingdom Business from 8:30 to 12:30. Dive in with Students on Saturday afternoon at 1 pm as they clean up a local street at their Corn Dogs, Cornhole, & Clean up event. Our awesome Angel Tree work even begins this weekend so all of us can start picking out tags for families we want to bless by going online to www.fmcmonline.org/angeltree.
The work continues all next week but admittedly starting Sunday it does get easier. Join us:
Sunday morning Online Worship at 9:30 and 11:00 am
The Countdown pre-game to Worship at 9:20 and 10:40
Word for the Week, the worlds easiest, coolest Small Group entry point, online Zoom room about the sermon you just heard on Sunday at 10:30 am https://www.fmcmonline.org/wordfortheweek/
Outdoor Worship, Live on Sunday at 4 pm
Whew… I’m tired already. No wonder Elvis weren’t nothing but a Hound Dog!
Lastly, if you are new to this E-note or new to our church, are you ready to become a member of First Methodist Mansfield? Come meet me, Senior Pastor David Alexander, and all our leadership team who will be waiting on Tuesday night, November 10th at Starting Point, thrilled to meet you. To join this Zoom call, please register here.
If you have any questions or need more information about any of these events please email me at taylord@fmcm.org or info@fmcm.org.
Have a blessed weekend and please remember to … Love Me Tender!
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