Dear First Family,
This weekend we celebrate the end of a 12-week season focused on Real Christianity. At the beginning of this season, we knew that we were stepping into unchartered waters, but over the course of these past 12 weeks, I have seen a movement of God within our congregation unlike any other I’ve experienced in the time I have been privileged to serve as a pastor here. I hope you will be with us for the final message of this season this weekend on Saturday Night at 6pm or Sunday morning at 9:30 or 11am!
This fall we will begin “season two” of Real Christianity but in the meantime, we will be spending the next three months of this upcoming summer season working through the book of Ephesians. In these next twelve weeks, we will be preaching through the entirety of this letter to the Christian community in Ephesus which some have described as the Apostle Paul’s “manifesto on what it means to be the church!”
This weekend in worship you will be receiving an Ephesians Journal that you are welcome to use as you read through the First 15 each day as well as bring to worship each week along with your Bible.
I also want you to know that our Boomers and Beyond Ministry will be hosting a Taco Tuesday event at 11:30 in our Gym this Tuesday, May 24. I am honored to be the guest speaker for this lunch and I know that we are going to have a great time together. Please RSVP here so we can ensure there are plenty of tacos for everyone!
Finally, I want you to know this Sunday afternoon I will be hosting a Town Hall at 3pm in our sanctuary to answer any questions you might have regarding the most recent update I shared about the future of the United Methodist Church. If you have not already read that update, I want to encourage you to do so before attending on Sunday. You can find that update at this link.
I love you and I’m proud of you,
Pastor David
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