Dear First Family,
I considered starting today’s note with an April Fool’s joke but instead of sharing false words, I want to spread some good words today that I hope you will take the time to share with others.
First, at our Church Conference this past Sunday our church body affirmed plans to renovate and update our gym space as well as the surrounding children’s classrooms. I want to express my appreciation again for your generosity through our Together Capital Campaign which has made this important project possible.
As more information is available about the timeline for this project, we will be sharing that with you, but in the meantime, we celebrate this great opportunity we have to upgrade this vital ministry space.
I wanted to let you know of two important things happening this weekend:
Today registration opens for Vacation Bible Camp. You can find out more information about this great week of fun and spiritual formation for our children by going to fmcm.org/vbc.
This Saturday our Adult Discipleship team is hosting a Refresh Women’s Conference from 9-3. There is still time if you would like to sign up! Go to fmcm.org/refresh to sign up.
Now that we are officially in April, it is time to talk about Easter! In just 10 short days we will be starting Holy Week. Below are all of the events and services we will be offering that week, please make sure you have them on your calendar and invite others to join you!
- April 10th – Journey with Jesus Movie Night 6pm in the Chapel
- April 13th – 24 Hour Digital Prayer Vigil for the Ukraine
- April 14th – Holy Thursday Service
- April 15th – Good Friday Service
- April 16th – Easter Family Fun Day
- April 17th – Easter Worship Services
I look forward to being with you this weekend as we continue in our season of pursuing Real Christianity together!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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