Dear First Family,
I hope you had a chance this week to say ‘thank you’ to one of our veterans.
I am looking forward to a special Guys Night Out taking place tonight that will be focused on honoring the men and women who have served our country. We’ll hear personal stories from times of America’s conflicts and the impact on these veterans’ faith. That event will start at 6:30 pm tonight in the Loft with some great food.
You can register right now at this link or simply join us tonight at 6:30 pm.
Today I also want to lift up the incredibly important time of worship we will be having this Sunday as we share a time of reaffirming our commitment to God being the first thing in your life. This week you should be receiving a card in the mail that expresses those commitments we are inviting you to share with your church.
I am confident that none of those will be new to you, but I also know that every once in a while we need to say “yes” again. Yes! The world needs Jesus. Yes! The world needs the Church Yes! My community needs my church.
At the end of our 9:30am and 11am services this Sunday we will all have a chance to place one of those cards on the altar. If for some reason you do not receive yours in the mail, we will have some available for you. You are also welcome to bring those on the altar during any weekend worship service.
We have all run out of words to describe the season we have been living through. Unsettling doesn’t seem to fully capture it. I want you to know that this is why the commitment cards we are sharing are different from what we have shared in the past.
We are inviting you to reaffirm a commitment to your generous support of the mission and ministry we share but we are not asking for you to make a specific financial pledge. We trust that God will lead you and your family in that decision, but I am convinced that this is a moment for us to make a broader commitment to a life from which we may have wandered in these uncertain times.
I’ve told you many times before and it’s never been more true.
The world needs you.
I believe in you.
God is counting on you.
And I am so grateful to have the chance this weekend to say that I am ‘all in’ with you.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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