February 6, 2024

New Worship Service Starting!

by First Methodist Mansfield


Starting March 3rd  •  11:00 AM  •   Chapel
We are pleased to announce the start of a brand new worship service called “The Well” on Sunday mornings at 11am in The Chapel. Join Pastor Thomas (our lead pastor for this service) as we begin a new chapter in the life of First Methodist Mansfield.   

February 14th  •  6:00 – 8:00 AM  •  11:00 AM – 1:00 PM  •  7:00 – 8:00 PM
Make plans to join us for Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the season of Lent. Beginning at 6am, we will have three different times for you to receive ashes (6am – 8 am and 11 am – 1 pm) as well as our Ash Wednesday Service at 7 pm – which will also be live streamed on our website.

February 23rd  •  6:00 –  9:00 PM
The Included Ball is one of the most magical nights of the entire year! Close to 100 participants follow the red carpet through the doors of our church and instantly become royalty. This night of fun and celebration is made possible by volunteers from our church and from all over the Mansfield area. One of the most important roles of the night is being a buddy to one of the participants. What is the job of a buddy? To make sure their participant has the most fun possible! Come party with us Saturday, February 23rd. You can register Here.   If you have any questions, you can send an email to included@fmcm.org

fmcm.org/children • children@fmcm.org

February 25th  •  4:00 – 6:00 PM  •  Chapel  
Join us for a wacky campout as we gear up for an adventure in KINDNESS with our Family Worship Experience on Sunday, Feb. 25th from 4:00 – 6:00 pm!  All ages are welcome! There will be live music, a kid-friendly message, snacks, an exciting scavenger hunt activity, and a silly dance party “under the stars”. No more cabin fever! Bring your happy campers out for some good ‘ol fashioned fun!

fmcm.org/missions-serving • serving@fmcm.org

February 25th  •  3:30 – 5:00 PM  •  Building D-Gathering Room 

We love our volunteers! 2023 was an incredible year of serving our community and serving the world, and none of it would be possible without the love, sacrifice and dedication of incredible volunteers. We want to celebrate you for all you’ve done as well as look forward to new goals and opportunities for you and the rest of the congregation to continue to bless our  world. Children are welcome and light snacks will be provided. Please register Here.  

February 11th  •  3:00 – 4:00 PM  •  Building D117 
Are you being called to take the next step and serve within the church? We invite you to join us for one of the next sessions of Serving @ First. This one-hour class prepares you to serve, teaches the basics of our church’s mission, guidance for spiritual leadership, and provides Safe Sanctuary training. Following the class, those seeking a place to serve will receive guidance for next steps. We will meet right after the Included Ball Volunteer Training.  Please register Here.    

fmcm.org/students • students@fmcm.org 

For all girls in 5th – 8th grade
February 9th  •  5:00 – 7:00 PM  •  The Loft

Just Us Girls is an evening designed specifically for 5-8th grade girls! Join us on February 9th in The LOFT from 5:00 – 7:00 pm and bring $5.00 to help cover food and crafts/activities. It’ll be a night to enjoy food, fun, and good conversation centered around being a girl, and the challenges that come with middle school. Middle school isn’t easy… it’s when you’re figuring out who you are, who you hang out with, and what you believe. It’s when friends become enemies and boys become… cute. Life gets tough. People get mean. How do we push through? What does God’s plan mean for our lives? What does it mean to be God’s girl in middle school? Together we’re going to search the Word of God and learn more. Register here

For all boys 10+ years 
March 2nd  •  7:15 AM – 5:15 PM 

Join us at Pure Adventure Father/Son Retreat on March 2nd. Pure Adventure is a full day of fun for boys 10 and up with dad (or other man of significant influence). Engage is for boys 10-12 and Equip is for young men 13+. This action-packed day is meant to allow you to invest in your relationship through a shared commitment to Christ.  You can register Here and visit the Pure Adventure Site

Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin

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