Dear First Family,
In Psalm 16: 6 we find this beautiful expression of gratitude to the Lord. The Psalmist celebrates,
“The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; Indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.”
I have always resonated with these words. In my own life, I have been blessed with a “godly heritage.” My gratitude for that also brings to mind the words the Apostle Paul shared with Timothy, his “apprentice” in ministry. Approaching the end of his life, Paul writes,
“I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you.”
The phrase, “first lived” is what grabs my attention. I think it’s a beautiful expression of the truth that faith is a living thing. It is more than something that comes alive in us.
Faith lives in us because it was “first lived” in the life of another.
We do indeed have a beautiful inheritance. That’s true in my life and yours as well as the life we share together. As we mark the 140th year of our church’s ministry to the Mansfield community, we are surrounded by the evidence of God’s faithfulness.
And how else can we respond other than the humble prayer, Lord, would you find us faithful?
Over these next few weeks, I want to invite you to lean in with me to this simple prayer.
May the beautiful inheritance that is ours be a gift that others receive for a thousand generations to come.
This is the sacred responsibility that we share. Having been blessed with so great a gift, our shared hope is that what now lives in us will one day come to life in another.
I look forward to being in worship with you this weekend as we ask God to expand our vision and begin to dream of how God might use us to do a mighty work in all the generations that are to come.
I love you and I am proud of you,
Pastor David
One more note for you today… If you missed our Annual Meeting this past Sunday, we have made our Annual Report as well as a video from that presentation available. You can find that on our website at www.fmcm.org/annualmeeting.
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