Hello Church,
If we have not had a chance to meet, my name is Taylor Davis and I serve as the Executive Director here at First Methodist Mansfield. What do I do at the church? I try to keep up with this amazing staff and support our incredible Pastors. If you have any thoughts, good or bad, about how we are doing at delivering the mission of Making Disciples of Jesus Christ who Love God, Love Others, and Serve the World… I want to hear them! Feel free to email me at Taylord@FMCM.org.
What an amazing Fall we are having. Strange, yes. Warm, yes. Scary because of spiking Covid, yes. Yet through it all there we are donating blood last weekend, enjoying the largest Pumpkin Patch we have ever had, and singing and worshipping safely together at our beautiful Outdoor Worship. First Methodist Mansfield is alive and buzzing again this weekend with ways to connect and serve… come see your Brothers and Sisters in one of our events or upcoming services.
If you’re like me and sometimes you just want it laid out simply for you… here would be my Concierge Plan for the person who wants a good mix of worship and connection outside, online, and inside.
This Saturday evening bring the kids by our church campus for the Fall Family Extravaganza for some really safe fun from 5:00 to 8:00 pm.
Then Sunday take in one of the three worship services we offer either comfortably from home, online, Sunday morning at 9:30 and 11:00 or on-campus for our Outdoor Worship service Sunday Night at 6 pm.
Then Next Saturday, October 31st, come pray in the Sanctuary with Pastors and fellow believers from 9 to 12 pm.
See you at one of these great events this weekend or live on The Countdown with Pastor Julain and I, on Sunday mornings right before each worship service.
Here is all of the information you need for the events I listed above:
Fall Family Extravaganza
Join us for an evening of fun! October 24th 5:00-7:00 with a MOVIE starting at 7:00. There will be HOTDOGS, chips and water available as well, provided by our amazing FMCM Missions & Serving Ministry.
PUMPKIN CARVING/DECORATING CONTEST – bring your already carved or decorated pumpkin or buy one from the patch and carve it here. We will have tools and paints. Submit your pumpkin by 6:15 to be a part of the contest. (Most Creative, Most Traditional, Silliest)
COSTUME CONTEST – Line up at 6:00 to be a part of the contest. (Most Creative, Best Family, Best DIY)
HAYRIDES, STORYTIME with a SCARECROW, and so much more! Plan on join us for the fun!
Please Register: fmcmonline.org/fallextravaganza/
Special Needs Ministry – Cookout Fundraiser
Sun, Oct 25, 2020 | 3:00 PM–5:00 PM | Pumpkin Patch
The Mansfield Sunrise Rotary Club will be in the Pumpkin Patch grilling burgers to be handed out and will be asking for donations for the burgers to benefit the Special Needs Ministry. The Sunrise Rotary Club will be donating all the food and supplies for the event and all proceeds will be given back to the Special Needs Ministry. The Rotary Club has generously committed to matching all donations received up to $500. The Special Needs Ministry will have participants on hand to greet members and to assist in any way needed.
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