Dear First Family,
Last weekend we kicked off a new season for this summer focused on the book of Ephesians. For 12 weeks we are reading through Ephesians not only in our weekend messages but also through our First 15 daily devotional. If you did not have a chance to hear last week’s messages, you can find them on our First Methodist Mansfield YouTube channel. I want to encourage you to take part in our First 15 devotionals if you have not done so already! You can catch up by going to our website, and you can also subscribe to have them sent to you daily via email at the bottom of that page.
If you want to get a head start on this week’s Ephesians passages we are covering this weekend in worship, you can read Ephesians 1:15-23.
I know many of you are taking advantage of this summertime and you will be traveling over some weekends. Know that although you may not be in town, you can still join us for online worship! We go live for each of our weekend worship services on our First Methodist Mansfield Facebook page as well as our website! You can tune in early before our Sunday services and enjoy The Countdown where you can hear about all that we have going on in the life of our church. We do not shut down for the summer! In fact, it is one of our busiest times of the year.
I look forward to being in worship with you this weekend as together we celebrate Holy Communion together. Don’t forget to bring your Bible and your Ephesians Journal! If you don’t already have one of our Ephesians journals stop by one of our connecting points and pick one up!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor David
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