Dear First Family,
We have a full weekend ahead of us with several special events and “milestone moments” that I want to share and celebrate with you today.
First, you are all invited to The Gathering tomorrow from 12-2pm at our remote parking lot and field located across Pleasant Ridge Drive. We will be gathering for hamburgers, live music, wiffle ball games as well as activities for our kids and special needs participants. We would love for you to invite your friends and neighbors and bring your favorite homemade treat for a dessert contest as well!
In all our weekend services we will be presenting Bibles to current 2nd graders. We will be praying over each of these children as they receive this special gift from their church. After receiving their Bibles, our Children’s staff will be available to take them to Ignite or they are welcome to return to their parents to attend the rest of the service. Any of our 3rd or 4th graders who have not received a Bible from us are welcome to join us as well.
On Sunday evening we will be having a special dinner and worship service for all our Seniors. I am looking forward to speaking to these High School students as we celebrate this milestone.These students will also receive a gift from our congregation before we take time to pray over each one of them during this special worship service.
And while we are talking about graduates, let me also celebrate that this Saturday Pastor Julian will be graduating from Perkins School of Theology with his Masters of Divinity degree! If you would like to send a note of congratulations to him, feel free to send him an email at pastorjulian@fmcm.org.
I look forward to being with you this weekend as we continue looking at Real Christianity and how God works in us by the Holy Spirit to mature us as disciples of Jesus and the primary context in which this good work happens in our lives.
I love you and I am proud of you,
Pastor David
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