Greetings First Family and Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We’re coming to an interesting point in the year. Many of our family members who are educators and education administrators are returning to work after a much need (and always much too brief) summer respite. The rhythms of our homes are changing as the school year feels just around the bend. In short, we’re coming to another regular seasonal turning point.
In a unique way, we are also at a particular turning point in our current sermon season. In case you missed it, we have been deeply entrenched in the book of Ephesians—a pastoral letter to the developing church in Ephesus. In our time together this summer, we’ve dealt with substantial themes, but by in large, the following three have been prevalent throughout the text.
- In Christ, we have new life.
- In this new life in Christ, we have the power to be what we desperately need to be—a united community
- This transformed life transforms all of our relationships.
In other words, everything has changed; nothing is the same, and though we are not yet what we will be, thank God we are not what we used to be.
We’re currently in the section of Ephesians that deals with our most substantial and frequently engaged relationships—our family life and our work life. I want to encourage you, if you’ve missed previous weeks, to visit our website (fmcm.org/ondemand) or our YouTube channel ( Go to www.youtube.com and search “First Methodist Mansfield” or Click Here for Sermons Playlist) and catch up on several powerful messages. More importantly, as we enter this new season of life, let me encourage you to go into that season empowered, knowing that in Christ, everything has changed. Who you are is informed by whose you are. Christ has called you, claimed you, and has confidence in you.
Join us this weekend for the last of two messages in our season of Ephesians. Pastors Julian Hobdy and Mike Ramsdell will be preaching this weekend. We’d love to see you.
Enjoy your weekend. If you’re on vacation, enjoy the time away. And all of us, let us be encouraged as we daily walk into new life with Christ.
With love,
Pastor Julian Hobdy
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