May 4th • 7:00 PM • Prayer Walk
Be part of National Day of Prayer 2023 as we join with churches from our city to walk and pray for patients, families, and those who care for them. We will be praying at these two Mansfield Hospitals:
Methodist Mansfield Medical Center Texas Health Hospital Mansfield
2700 E. Broad Street 2300 Lone Star Rd.
May 6th and 7th • During All Services
Help us Feed the Kids! The weekend of May 6th & 7th we will have brown grocery bags in the pews with a list of items needed to support Feed the Kids. This is a local Ministry Partner whose purpose is to feed children that are food insecure over the summer. If you are able to pick up a bag, we would love for you to bring it back filled, the following week with the items requested. If you were unable to make it to worship but would like to help, please know that First Methodist is hosting a food drive all summer to fill the shelves with the items they need most which include:
- Individual Mac & Cheese Cups
- Individual Chef Boyardee
- Individual Fruit Cups/Applesauce
You can place these items in the big blue bins found around our campus throughout the summer and we will make sure they get to the right place. For questions or for more information on how you can serve with Feed the Kids, email us at serving@fmcm.org.
May 7th • 3:00 PM • Sanctuary
We cannot wait to celebrate the newest members of First Methodist Mansfield! On Sunday, May 7th at 3:00 pm, we will be holding our Confirmation Service where we will be confirming those who have been on this spiritual journey with us over the past several months. All are invited to come and be part of this special time in the lives of our Confirmands.
May 7th • 7:00 PM • Sanctuary
Come enjoy an evening with some great music! Join us on May 7th at 7:00 pm in the Sanctuary as MansPhil presents their concert titled “Grand Finale”. You will hear arrangements from Richard Strauss, Wieniawski and Dvorak. You wouldn’t want to miss this musical event. For more information, click Here.
May 10th • 6:30 – 8:30 PM • Building D: Gathering Room
Are you interested in becoming a Member of First Methodist Mansfield? Have you joined over the past several months and want to get plugged in? We want to invite you to our New Member Dinner! During this dinner, Pastors and staff members will be present to answer questions and help you get connected in different ministries. To sign up for our New Member Dinner, go Here. If you have any questions or want more information, email us at guestservices@fmcm.org.
Each year we intentionally seek to challenge ourselves to put First Things First in every area of our lives. You should all be receiving our First Things First letter and commitment card in the very near future and we want to invite you to prayerfully consider making a financial commitment at this time. To help with any questions you may have, a member of our Finance team will be at the Ministry Corner found in the Atrium over the next couple of weeks ready to help. You can also email us at finance@fmcm.org. To fill out a digital commitment card and find out more information about our stewardship campaign click here.
Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin
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