Each year we intentionally seek to challenge ourselves to put First Things First in every area of our lives. You should all be receiving our First Things First letter and commitment card in the very near future and we want to invite you to prayerfully consider making a financial commitment at this time. To help with any questions you may have, a member of our Finance team will be at the Ministry Corner found in the Atrium over the next couple of weeks ready to help. You can also email us at finance@fmcm.org. To fill out a digital commitment card and find out more information about our stewardship campaign click here.
Order your Mums Now
The United Women in Faith are selling live mums in celebration of Mothers’ Day. These plants will be placed in all of our worship services on May 14th. The cost is $15 each, with all proceeds benefiting Feed the Kids for Summer and Metroplex Women’s Clinic. For any questions please contact Chrissy Smith at chrissys@fmcm.org. Purchase Mums HERE or stop by our ATrium.
April 30th • 4:00 – 6:00 PM • Sanctuary
Come join this family, fun filled event! Family Experience is a high-energy, crazy-fun, interactive program where all ages learn and experience God together. Parents, grandparents, toddlers, kids and youth can experience worship side by side. We hope to see you there as we focus on living in CONFIDENCE of knowing God is always with us. The worship service, followed by a family dance, will be in the gym. For more please email: Children@fmcm.org
Begins April 30th • 9:30 – 10:30 AM • Building D: Gathering Room
Join us at 9:30 AM in The Gathering Room located in Building D beginning April 30th for a new Sunday School class lead by Pastor Mike Ramsdell. This is a great opportunity for those who may not already be part of a Sunday School Class and looking to connect with others here at First Methodist Mansfield. All ages are welcome. If you are interested in this class please fill out this Form.
May 21st • 6:00 – 8:00 PM • Sanctuary
We are so excited to get to celebrate the Class of 2023 as they embark on a new season of life! We invite all graduating seniors and their families to join us for a time of celebration and worship to celebrate the accomplishments of our seniors and their future aspirations. Dinner will be provided followed by a service. To be included in the Senior Booklet and to RSVP to Senior Celebration, Register Here.
May 4th • 7 PM • Prayer Walk at Methodist Mansfield and Texas Health Hospitals
On National Day of Prayer 2023 we will join with “Mansfield Churches for the City” to pray for our community and our country throughout the day. We invite you to pray wherever you are throughout the day. You are also invited to join us for a prayer walk at one of these two hospitals as we gather together in prayer.
May 10th • 6:30 – 8:30 PM • Building D: Gathering Room
Are you interested in becoming a Member of First Methodist Mansfield? Have you joined over the past several months and want to get plugged in? We want to invite you to our New Member Dinner! During this dinner, Pastors and staff members will be present to answer questions and help you get connected in different ministries. To sign up for our New Member Dinner, go Here. If you have any questions or want more information, email us at guestservices@fmcm.org.
May 20th & 21st All Worship Services
Come get you very own Bible! All 2nd graders are invited to join their parents in worship on May 20th and 21st. There will be a special time in the service when the 2nd graders will receive their new Bible. After receiving their Bibles, we will take a group picture in the Atrium. Your children may then go to Ignite with the Children’s Staff Member present or return to their parents and attend the rest of the service. If you are in 3rd or 4th grade and have not received a Bible from us, please join us as well.
Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin
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