Dear First Family,
This past weekend, we shared a beautiful conclusion to our A Thousand Generations generosity campaign. We ended with the song that inspired our theme, singing sacred words of blessings over one another while so many of you filled the altar rails to pray for your church. I cannot capture into words my deep appreciation for your devotion.
If you did not have a chance to be there to share your own commitment to our shared ministry, you can drop your commitment card in our offering baskets at any time. If you would like to do that online, you can do so at this link.
Today I want to lift up several things we will be launching this weekend.
The first is a brand new 11am contemporary service we are adding to our weekend worship schedule.
The Well begins this Sunday and we celebrate that Pastor Thomas will be serving as the Lead Pastor for this new worship gathering. I would love for you to check it out this Sunday or sometime in the coming weeks and I want to ask you all to pray for Pastor Thomas and his team as this new service begins.
Alongside that, we will also be entering our next extended season in which we will be focusing on the Gospel of John. We will be reading the entirety of John in our First15 daily devotional resource and walking through John’s Gospels in our weekend messages through the first weekend in June.
With that, I want to share two additional notes.
First, if you do not currently subscribe to the First15, this would be a great time to begin. You can subscribe to receive that via email by visiting this link.
I also want to encourage you to prayerfully consider who you might invite to join you in worship as we slowly work our way through John’s account of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. His Gospel is often what is recommended as a great starting point for a new Christian.
If you have a neighbor, co-worker or friend who is curious about Christianity or interested in learning more about Jesus, this season is the perfect time to invite them to join you in worship.
I look forward to being with you this weekend.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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