Dear First Family,
There are weekends in the year that are busier than others, and this weekend is one of those times. I am excited about all that we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield this weekend and I hope you are too!
On Saturday from 5-7, we are hosting a Fall Family Extravaganza in our front parking lot by the Pumpkin Patch. This event is not only open to our church family, but also for the whole community. If you have not done so already, I want to encourage you to come to this great event. I would also like to invite you to sign up to have a decorated trunk for that evening or engage in some way. We are expecting a big crowd and your service and attendance for that evening will be important. To help out or sign up to be a trunk at the trunk or treat portion of the evening, email children@fmcm.org.
In addition to our Fall Family Extravaganza, the Sunrise Rotary Club is hosting our Burgers for a Cause Fundraiser in honor of our Special Needs Ministry from 5-7. No need to plan dinner for that evening, instead enjoy a burger and help one of our fastest growing ministries.
On Sunday I will be continuing our series, First Things First. I look forward to picking up where Pastor Jan left off last week as we dive deep into what I feel is one of our biggest truths, “Faithfulness in first things has the power to change everything.”
We will also be holding our annual Colors for Cancer opportunity this Sunday at both services. I personally know many who are currently diagnosed with Cancer or have recently recovered from Cancer. Sadly I know I am not alone. Far too many people have been diagnosed with Cancer or know somebody who has.
On Sunday we want to honor you and those you love by inviting everybody to wear the color that represents the type of cancer that has affected you or a loved one. In addition to that we have God is Big Enough bracelets representing each of the cancer types available for you to pick up in our Atrium.
Busy weekends aren’t bad weekends. They present an opportunity for us to connect with others and find time for moments of celebration and renewal. My prayer for you is that you experience these moments of relationship and renewal this weekend.
See you in worship!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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