Good Friday Morning Church,
I am so excited we are entering into Christmas week! I LOVE ALL THINGS CHRISTMAS.
Sally and I started doing all the Christmas things this week. We broke out the first puzzle of the season (thank you Secret Santa for the Baby Yoda puzzle) last night. We are on the second hand counting Hallmark Christmas movies! Most excitedly we sat down with Trevor & Lara, our Son and Daughter-in-law, to set the rules for our “random Christmas week giant tip” giveaways. We each get to make someone’s day with a love offering anywhere we want between the 20th and 25th.
I know where mine is going! There is a truly incredible young man who works the early shift (I see him around 6 to 7 am) at Quiktrip on 1187 & 157. This guy makes Tony Robbins look depressed & lazy. I mean for 9 months he has been all “Have a blessed day” and “Have a good one” and “Looking good today sir!” He is amazing and I am going to show him that I appreciate him this week!
I know everyone does this at Christmas. I am no Bill Gates here. We all give to worthy causes. The Mansfield Mission Center, ZOE, and smaller personal causes are all great but you know my absolute favorite? Anything singularity focused on spreading the word and love of Jesus Christ.
Surprising someone with a big tip is fun but giving to the kingdom, making new disciples, and getting behind where I can see and feel God already working… now THAT is a cause. Nothing goes more directly to “Making Disciples of Jesus Christ” than giving to the regular ol’ everyday mission of First Methodist Mansfield.
Have some fun this Christmas week. Be generous. Get behind some well-deserved causes. Just remember that the King of Kings is the Cause of Causes and we are all about serving Him with every dollar.
Merry Christmas Quiktrip Guy… I am coming to see you 😉
The best cause I know. https://pushpay.com/g/firstmethodistmansfield?src=hpp

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