Dear First Family,
I hope you had the chance to be a part of the historic moment we shared last weekend as we broke ground together on a new church for a new world! If you missed it, I want to ask you to take the time to listen to that message and prayerfully consider joining those who made the decision to enter into a new covenant together and name themselves as charter members of this new church.
We will have plenty of rocks available this weekend for those who would desire to add their names and if you don’t know what I’m talking about, here is the link again for last weekend’s message!
This Sunday we enter into two new seasons together.
On Ash Wednesday we began our journey together through Lent which is an intentional season in the life of the church where we walk with Jesus to the cross. On Sunday we will also enter a season focused on Real Christianity. I could say much more about that here, but I will save that for Sunday.
Let me lift up a few additional things for you today.
First, we will be having a time for healing prayer tomorrow from 11am-12pm in our Sanctuary. Our Pastors and Care Chaplains will be available to offer prayer for any who would like to come at any time during that hour. For more information you can contact Pastor Sharon at pastorsharon@fmcm.org.
On March 19th we will be having a special day for Fathers and Sons with Pure Adventure, a ministry that empowers fathers to invest in their sons and equips young men to grow in relationship with Christ. (Among other things, we will also have some paintball battles!) Pure Adventure is for boys 10 and up with a dad or mentor. To learn more, you can watch this video recap from our first event with Pure Adventure and you can register here. Email students@fmcm.org with any questions.
Finally, on Monday, our very own Rev. Julian Hobdy was approved by our Conference Board of Ordained Ministry to be commissioned as a Provisional Member. This is a great accomplishment and a significant step towards Pastor Julian’s ordination. On Tuesday, Rev. Thomas Mitchell was approved by the Board of Ordained Ministry to be ordained as a Full Elder at this year’s Annual Conference gathering in June. Pastor Thomas will be joining our pastoral staff effective May 1st.
I know you will join me in sharing our congratulations with Pastor Julian and Pastor Thomas.
I look forward to being with you this Sunday as our new life together begins!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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