Happy Friday Church,
One thing that 2020 has had a lot of is quiet! I know for a Mommy or Daddy, working from home, sharing computers and kitchen tables, the school hours can be crazy. I am on enough Zoom’s, however, to also know that with headphones and closed doors, some school hours are quiet. For the kids, whether at school with new rules or at home, it is probably deafeningly quiet! For my generation with all the kids up and gone, my office just down the hall, and no one to yell at while driving into work… it’s been quiet.
For months now I have loved the quiet of watching Church Online. No hairdryers screaming as Sally gets ready, no buzz in the Atrium, just the drip.. drip from the coffee and then Online Church. Beautiful and so peaceful but quiet.
I go up to the church a lot to shoot a video or drop something off and it is so quiet. The empty Sanctuary is eery. Even on Sunday morning with no one but 2 Production Techs, a Host Pastor sitting there waiting to pray with you online, Pastor David Alexander standing alone on stage waiting to bring us a message… it is just too quiet.
Now, The Back Porch is getting there. Church on our new Back Porch on a nice morning has the fun outdoor-friendly feel of ESPN’s College Gameday as Pastor Julian Hobdy fires us up for service. We can sing out there, clap our hands out there, and laugh out loud out there. There is a good sound coming from The Back Porch and it is constantly improving.
In the Bible, it seems that every time the Lord makes an entrance or heaven comes to earth in some form, there is thunder, lightning, trumpets, singing… some kind of increase in the volume.
Well, I’m ready for our campus to make a joyful noise!
On February 7th, we will hear the pitter-patter of little feet as they run up the steps and into our Children’s building for Sunday School. We will hear the rustling and whispering of Moms and children in worship together trying to get their iPad set up with Children’s Time On-Demand in the Sanctuary. We will hear volunteers greeting our dear Special Needs friends of all ages into their classroom during the 11:00 am service. We will fill the parking lot and entryway with “Hellos” and “How’ve you been” as we are carefully escorted into our rows by ushers.
We have found a way for 11 months to worship in the quiet. We have connected together over distance. Starting February 7th, however, it’s time to clang some pans as you move through the house before Online worship. Sing a little louder on The Back Porch. Yell “Praise Jesus” to someone in the parking lot on your way into the Sanctuary. The Lord wants to make a little ruckus at First Methodist Mansfield and I for one am ready for the noise!
P.S. For lots more detail and information on how we will safely check-in the Children, pre-check our volunteers, space you out in the Sanctuary; tune in to Pastor David’s weekly Wednesday Night Check-In or read these simple FAQ’s.
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