Dear First Family,
While preparing to break ground on a new church for a new world, we are mindful that seemingly small and simple disciplines can lead to deep and lasting change, and that any work that God would do through us always begins as a work of God in us.
Last weekend we focused on the disciples of making a daily investment in your relationship with God. We highlighted our First15 devotional resource which we produce Monday – Friday. If you missed that message, you can go back at any time and watch it here. If you want to find out more about the First15, check out www.dailyfirst15.org.
On Sunday, February 27th, we are going to break ground together. I hope you will be a part of worship this Sunday and on the 27th as we take a step of great significance into the future we believe God is calling us to pursue.
Here are just a few other opportunities I want to make sure you know about…
This coming Friday, February 25th, we will have our next Guys Night Out with a special guest. Our very own Julian Hobdy will be sharing more of his own faith story and how we as a community committed to making disciples can live out this mission in the new world in which we are now living. For more information, contact discipleship@fmcm.org. Register here!
On the eve of our groundbreaking Sunday, you are invited to be part of this special night of music and prayer as we seek God’s blessing over the steps of faith we are taking together. All ages are welcome to attend. Nursery will be available for children 3 and under.
Registration is now open for our next trip to the Holy Land which will take place January 24th – February 2nd, 2023. One of the great and unexpected joys of my life has been the change to lead these incredible pilgrimages to the land where Jesus lived out his days. To register or find out more, you can visit this website. If I can answer any questions, feel free to email me at pastordavid@fmcm.org.
I look forward to being with you this weekend in worship!
Grace & Peace
Pastor David
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