Dear First Family,
On this final day of 2021, I find myself deeply grateful for all that we shared together in this past year. We are not where we want to be but we are also not where we used to be! I cannot wait to see what lies ahead for us in the year that is soon to begin.
I wanted to share two things with you today.
First, if you are interested in sharing a final gift that will be credited towards your 2021 taxes, there are a variety of ways you can do that today.
Checks that are postmarked by December 31st will apply to your 2021 giving statement. You may drop off a check at our main office located at 951 N. Walnut Creek Dr. There you will also find a drop box located just to the right of the main entrance to those offices. Gifts may be made through our church app or on our website at www.fmcm.org/give.
Thank you again for your faithful support of the mission and ministry that we share.
With the increased number of positive COVID cases, I also wanted to assure you that we will continue to do everything we can to provide a safe environment for you and your family to participate in-person. Our excellent online worship opportunities are also here to stay. If you are unable to attend in person, I hope you will join us online as we begin a new year together.
Like me, I am sure you are hearing from many friends and family who have either tested positive or are currently in quarantine as a result of this most recent surge.
Let me encourage you to consider a few additional steps to help keep you and your family safe and live out our commitment to love our community well.
First, if you have not yet been vaccinated or received a booster shot, I would encourage you to do so.
Stephanie and I were grateful to be able to receive our booster shots this past Monday morning. I want you to also hear that as with any other decision or concern you have, all of our pastors are available to connect with you and offer our prayerful support in whatever way we can.
Secondly, while we are not requiring masks for those gathering in person, I want to strongly encourage you to consider wearing your mask while you are gathered with others.
All our staff will continue wearing our masks for your protection and to help ensure all feel welcome on our campus. As someone who has had COVID with only minor symptoms, let me assure you that it is still an experience you want to do all you can to avoid! And with that, we know that every precaution we take further reduces the risk for others as well.
In advance, hear my appreciation for the grace-filled way I know you will respond in the coming weeks. I have been so proud of the many ways I have seen you continually embracing what may be personally uncomfortable for the sake of loving one another well.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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