Dear First Family,
This Sunday we will be gathering for worship.
That isn’t breaking news. None of you are surprised by that announcement, but after the events of this past week within our local community, I thought we might all need a reminder.
This Sunday we will be gathering for worship.
Whether it be in-person or online at either the 9:30 or 11am service, I want to urge you to be a part of our gathering together.
Corporate worship is a core practice of the Christian life and a vital need when our community is shaken by events like the shooting that took place this past Wednesday at Timberview High School.
On Thursday at campuses all across our school district, teachers, administrators and students alike chose to wear maroon or black – the school colors of Timberview High School – as a sign of their support and love. We have invited our church staff to do the same for worship this weekend and I want to share that invitation with you today as well.
As I shared with you in the note I sent on Wednesday afternoon, we gather for the purpose of being together and proclaiming together again our faith in Christ as the one who is “the light who shines in the darkness which darkness cannot overcome.”
I look forward to being with you this Sunday for this sacred and holy purpose.I love you. I’m proud of you and so grateful for the gift of sharing life with you.
Pastor David
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