Hello Church,
For the last couple of weeks, we have answered a lot of questions about what Indoor – Outdoor – Online means. A more specific question may be… how does Indoor – Outdoor – Online help us have church in the Sanctuary any sooner?
The answer is Garth Brooks. Some of my friends would say “Garth is always the answer!”
I am not a very political person but I am a big fan of freedom & democracy. No matter how you vote, America and our history are just cool. Did you happen to catch any of our nation’s 46th Inauguration this week? Some watched every second and some caught the USA Today pictures online. Here is all you need to know… they had it! It worked. It was safe. It was beautiful, majestic, and special.
Some camera angles, of a famous performer with fireworks going off over their shoulder, in front of the National Mall… offered a view you would never get if there.
Some were there live, placed a little further away, dressed for the cold, masked up, but there live to be a part of the feel of history.
There was no Inaugural Ball but there was still music and celebration and a sweet hug between the new first couple.
The 46th Inauguration was like no other in history but for many, because of the times we have just lived through, it was more special and intimate than any before. What was done inside, was filmed and shared with us skillfully. What was outside, offered to some a special chance to be close to the action. What was online offered a beautiful window into or even a front-row seat, to be a part of the specialness of the moment.
We probably will not have … even though Dr. Scott Ferrell is very very persuasive…Garth Brooks to sing our Amazing Grace, however, we will sing! The beautiful act of worship with communion is going to happen soon at FMCM and it will be our Indoor – Outdoor – Online options that allow us to do it all together.
Come and join us at www.fmcm.org for the worship that is right for you right now!
Online puts you right in front of our Pastor with every verse and song word to accompany you. We will even deliver your worship packet and communion to your door (info@fmcm.org).
Outdoor is at The Back Porch and is ready for you at both services with live Pastors Pre-Worship Countdown, tables, chairs, heaters, and big screens to relax and worship with your family.
Indoor opens in the Sanctuary on February 7th and will be just for those masked up and ready to be in the building in carefully controlled but Holy beautiful worship.
Stream Live Online at fmcm.org/live
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