Dear First Family –
We are about to enter into a week of serving with United Mission Week starting on Sunday! The work that our students will do during United Mission Week is a tangible and powerful way we see Christ at work not only in our community, but through each of our Junior High and High School students as well. Please join me in praying for our Student Ministry Team, our Included Special Needs Team, and all of those serving at United Mission Week.
Their service in our local community should inspire all of us to serve in one way or another this week.
Serving looks different for everybody.
For some, serving is doing something physical like construction or traveling to different places. For others, it’s using their gifts like baking, teaching, or encouraging others.
We all can serve, and all are called by Christ to serve.
I want to challenge you this week to serve in some way. You can provide baked goods for our United Mission Week on Monday, write encouraging notes to our students who are serving, commit to praying for United Mission Week by participating in this virtual prayer experience or attend closing worship on Thursday at 5:30 in our sanctuary to show your support and appreciation.
We also will be holding a blood drive on our campus on July 31st. If you are interested in serving by donating blood, you can sign up here.
I hope you are planning on joining us in worship this weekend either online or in person, Saturday at 6pm or Sunday morning at 9:30am and 11am, as we continue the season of reading through the book of Ephesians together.
This week we will be reading Ephesians 4:17-22 together.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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