Dear First Family,
I missed the opportunity to be with you in worship last weekend. My uncle, Randy Alexander, had a stroke last Wednesday so I was in Arkansas to see him, my aunt and my cousin’s family. My uncle is now in a rehab hospital and doing well. I want to thank you for your prayers for him, his family and his recovery.
My uncle and his family are one of many needs that are on our current care needs list. Each Monday our pastoral team meets to pray for each of those needs and to share with one another any updates on those individuals and families that we are lifting in prayer.
That weekly gathering is one that can leave you overwhelmed. The concerns are many. The needs are great, but I am grateful for the incredible team that leads us in this vital area of our life together.
Lexi Headland, one of our seminary students, serves as our Director of Pastoral Care. She does a tremendous job serving as the “hub” of every single prayer concern and care need within our church.
Pastor Brenda, Pastor Don, Pastor Mike, as well as our other pastors and more than 45 Lay Chaplains, do a phenomenal job providing care through phone calls, hospital visits and staying connected to families.
And all of this work is on top of the many ways that you provide exceptional care, consistent support and beautiful expressions of grace with one another.
I share all that to say I am so proud of the heart that you have for one another.
This weekend we will do what we always do. We will gather to worship, to pray, to celebrate and share the good news of Jesus as we continue our journey through the Gospel of John. Every opportunity we have to gather is a great joy, but the love we live out together under the Lordship of Jesus extends well beyond the walls of our spaces of worship.
Today, I simply want you to hear again that I love you. I’m proud of you.
Thank you for loving one another so well.
Pastor David
Let me share one final note with you today…
As a church committed to serving and blessing our community, we are grateful to be hosting Dr. Kimberly Cantu, the Superintendent of the Mansfield School District for an information session regarding the upcoming bond election on May 4th.
All are invited to attend. We’ve also extended invitations to all churches in our community to join us as well. This session will take place at 2 pm in our main sanctuary.
If you reside within MISD and have not had a chance to learn about these potential initiatives, I hope you will join me for this gathering.
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