Dear First Family,
I’m looking forward to seeing you this weekend as we continue our focus on the prayer we are sharing together in this current season.
May the cornerstone of my life, and our life together, be Christ and Christ alone.
Today, I want to take a moment to let you know about how you can support the efforts to bring relief to the areas affected by Hurricane Helene. In recent days I have been asked what we are doing as a church to respond to the significant needs in Florida and surrounding states. As a church, we have already made a gift to the organizations we partner with for all disaster response, but I know many of you wanted to participate in that through your own special gift.
You can do that in a number of ways.
- You can do so by check by simply adding the note “disaster relief.”
- You can do so through our website or through our church app (apple) or church app (google). (When doing so, you will see a category named ‘Fund” with a drop-down menu located below. You will want to check “disaster relief” to designate that gift.)
If you would like to know more about one of our new mission partners in this vital work, let me encourage you to follow this link to learn about the On Mission Network. Should you have any other questions about our ongoing commitment to providing relief to those affected by these catastrophic events, you can email me or reach out to our Missions Director, Susan Luttrell.
I love you and I am so proud of you,
Pastor David
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