Parents, we welcome you and your children to join us one Wednesday a month through the summer on the FMCM Playground for a morning of fun and fellowship. We look forward to watching the kids play while we as parents get to have time in fellowship together!
The other dates to add to your summer calendar are June 28th, July 26th, and August 9th.
June 12th – 15th • Registration closes June 6th • fmcm.org/vbc
REGISTER NOW for our READY, SET, MOVE! 2023 VBC! We offer two sessions to join us along with Special Needs classes; the Morning session is from 9am-12pm and our Evening session is from 6pm-8pm. We are excited to help your children move forward in their own journey of faith as we focus on how we can follow Jesus HERE, THERE and EVERYWHERE at READY, SET, MOVE! Vacation Bible Camp on June 12th-15th. VBC is for ALL children who will have completed PreK-4th grade during the 2022-2023 school year. We follow the MISD guidelines, so to be in the PreK class your child would have needed to turn 4 by September 1st, 2022. We also offer WEE VBC for volunteers’ children who are 1 year of age through children who turned 4 years old after September 1, 2022. You have to register and be an active VBC volunteer for your children to be in WEE VBC.
Our Included Special Needs Ministry is offering a VBC experience during the evening session for Kindergarten and older. Spaces are limited to ensure the safety of our participants and overall quality experience, so register quickly. Inclusion is offered at both the morning and evening sessions for Pre-K through 4th grade. To register, use the main Participant Registration links.
All 6th graders through ADULTS (for the ’22-23 school year), WE NEED YOU to be READY, SET, and MOVE with us as we guide the children to FOLLOW JESUS HERE, THERE, and EVERYWHERE! We can not put on VBC without the help of all our amazing volunteers like YOU!
For more information about Vacation Bible Camp, and to register, visit this link.
June 12th – 15th • 9:00 – 12:00 • Registration closes June 6th
5th Graders, we have a place for you! 5th Grade Mission Squad will be during the morning session of VBC. Those currently in 5th-grade will join the VBC kids for a high-energy time of worship, before heading to work on their very own mission project on our church campus! This is a great opportunity for our 5th graders to serve and truly make a difference in their community. Visit our website here to register.
July 9th – 13th • Registration closes June 18th • fmcm.org/missionweek
Have you signed up for United Mission Week? Don’t miss out on this exciting week of serving our community. Students (currently in 6th grade – 12th grade) and volunteers come together to engage with our community through construction projects that our Missions Department has arranged, as well as partnering with local non-profit organizations projects. Throughout the week, there will be amazing opportunities for worship, prayer, fun activities, great food, and most importantly of all, experiencing the presence of Jesus together as we serve others. Every night, after a hard day’s work & a much needed shower at their teams assigned shower houses, you will get to hear from gifted and talented worship leaders, speakers, and spend time bonding with your teammates.
Registration is now open and will close on June 18th.
You can register and see more information about United Mission Week by visiting our website here.
June 19th – 23rd • 9:00 am – 3:00 pm • First Methodist Mansfield
We are excited to welcome you to the second year of the Mansfield Summer Strings Camp! This has been a dream for many years, and with the partnership between the Arts Institute of Mansfield, Mansfield Philharmonic, and teachers in Mansfield ISD we are excited to finally see it come to fruition! With the continued growth of the strings program in Mansfield, we wanted a place where all students currently studying a string instrument (Violin, Viola, Cello and Bass) could come to have an opportunity to work with and learn from quality instructional faculty from around the Mansfield area. It is our desire that each student grow musically and personally while at the same time enjoy all the fun, fellowship and excitement of camp.
Register Here and visit the Web Site Here.
June 22nd • 6:30 – 8:00 pm • Atrium
Come join the Book Club! Spend the summer reading books with Refresh Women’s Ministry. Come see how discussing a book as a community helps you to build friendships and grow in your faith. We’ll meet once a month to share insight and discuss how we can apply biblical themes to our lives as women of Christ. This is a great way to stay connected during the summer! Childcare is available, register your child Here!
- June 22 – The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes: Register Here
- July 27 – The Light Through the Leaves by Glendy Vanderah : Register Here
- August 31 – The Lost Girls of Willowbrook by Ellen Marie Wiseman : Register Here
Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin
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