Serve with Traditional Worship Arts

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Name Day Time Type Area Campus
Chancel Bells Wednesday Evening Worship Arts Serving Opport. At the Church First Methodist Church Mansfield
Chancel Bells
Email Leader
Leader: Beth LaMee
At the Church (First Methodist Church Mansfield)
Worship Arts Serving Opport.
Childcare Available
Chancel Choir Wednesday Evening Worship Arts Serving Opport. At the Church First Methodist Church Mansfield
Chancel Choir
Email Leader
Leader: Beth LaMee

The Chancel Choir brings together adults of all ages who love to sing, and serve by leading in worship at our Traditions services at 11:00 am. No experience is necessary! No audition needed! No excuses! We would love to welcome you to our choir family as together we make a joyful noise for the glory of God. Fun, food, fellowship and free childcare! Come join us Wednesdays from 7-8:30 pm in Building A, Room 130 (choir room). Contact Scott Ferrell for more info.

At the Church (First Methodist Church Mansfield)
Worship Arts Serving Opport.
Childcare Available
Chancel Choir Alto Wednesday Evening Worship Arts Serving Opport. At the Church First Methodist Church Mansfield
Chancel Choir Alto
Email Leader
Leader: Beth LaMee
At the Church (First Methodist Church Mansfield)
Worship Arts Serving Opport.
Chancel Choir Bass Worship Arts Serving Opport. At the Church First Methodist Church Mansfield
Chancel Choir Bass
Email Leader
Leader: Beth LaMee
At the Church (First Methodist Church Mansfield)
Worship Arts Serving Opport.
Chancel Choir Soprano Varies Varies Worship Arts Serving Opport. At the Church First Methodist Church Mansfield
Chancel Choir Soprano
Email Leader
Leader: Kathleen Phillips
At the Church (First Methodist Church Mansfield)
Worship Arts Serving Opport.
Chancel Choir Tenor Worship Arts Serving Opport. At the Church First Methodist Church Mansfield
Chancel Choir Tenor
Email Leader
Leader: Beth LaMee
At the Church (First Methodist Church Mansfield)
Worship Arts Serving Opport.
Handbells Worship Arts Serving Opport. At the Church First Methodist Church Mansfield
Email Leader
Leader: Beth LaMee

Whether you are an advanced ringer or have never played bells before, we have a bell choir for you. Our more experienced bell choirs lead in worship once a month and have the opportunity to attend bell clinics and festivals. For more information, contact Beth LaMee.

At the Church (First Methodist Church Mansfield)
Worship Arts Serving Opport.
Joyful Ringers Sunday Afternoon Worship Arts Serving Opport. At the Church First Methodist Church Mansfield
Joyful Ringers
Email Leader
Leader: Beth LaMee
At the Church (First Methodist Church Mansfield)
Worship Arts Serving Opport.
Childcare Available