Dear First Family,
I am writing to you from the last day of the New Room Conference our staff and some of you have been a part of this week. It has been a refreshing experience as well as a renewing experience for all of us.
This past weekend in worship we saw a video about a Wesleyan Small Group that has been meeting for over a year. You can watch that video here. We are starting two more Wesleyan Small Groups in October. One that meets during the day starting on October 3rd and one in the evening starting on October 4th. If you are interested in being a part of a Wesleyan Small Group or if you would like more information, visit our website here.
For those of you who are interested in becoming a member or if you have recently joined First Methodist Mansfield, I want to invite you to our New Member Dinner on Wednesday, September 27th at 6:30pm. Our New Member Dinner is a great time to connect with our pastors and our staff to learn about who we are as a church as well as gather with those who are also interested in joining. If you would like to register for this dinner, please do that here. I look forward to seeing you there!
Lastly, I wanted to let you know that our Pumpkin Patch officially opens on Sunday with a truckload of pumpkins being delivered right after church at 12:30pm. The pumpkin patch is a fundraiser hosted by our Student Ministry that helps fund mission work they do throughout the year. I tell you this for two reasons.
- Our Student Ministry team would love help unloading the pumpkin truck. This is an easy task that makes a big impact. There is something for everyone to do.
- Please do not park in the spaces facing Walnut Creek Drive facing Walgreens on Sunday Morning. The pumpkin truck will need to park in those spaces.
I wanted to remind you that we have a shuttle that runs all Sunday morning from our Remote Parking Lot off of Pleasant Ridge Drive and it takes you to our main campus. There are several parking spaces in that lot and this is a great way to get from your car door to our church doors
I look forward to worshiping with you this weekend as we continue our season of Life Together.
I love you and I am proud of you,
Pastor David
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