Dear First Family,
Last Sunday we entered the first of three seasons – 36 weeks in total – focused on the pursuit of Real Christianity. We will be confronting ourselves with questions like:
- Where does Real Christianity now exist?
- Have we settled for having a form of religion that lacks any true power?
- In our comfort, is it possible that the church has fallen asleep?
I hope you will be with us this Sunday as we continue this challenging journey. If you’re traveling for Spring Break, I want to encourage you to set aside time to join us online for either our 9:30am or 11am worship gatherings.
Let me share a few more important updates with you.
We will be having a Church Conference on March 27th at 3pm in our main sanctuary. Our Executive Lay Leadership Team has called for this meeting of our church body to authorize plans to renovate and update our gym space as well as the surrounding children’s classrooms using funds received from our Together capital campaign. The scope and estimated cost of the project will be presented as a part of this gathering. All are invited to attend and all members are eligible to vote.
On March 19th we will be having a special day for Fathers and Sons with Pure Adventure, a ministry that empowers fathers to invest in their sons and equips young men to grow in relationship with Christ. (Among other things, we will also have some paintball battles!) Pure Adventure is for boys 10 and up with a dad or mentor. To learn more, you can watch this video recap from our first event with Pure Adventure and you can register here. My son, Jack, and I are looking forward to sharing this great day with you!
You can email students@fmcm.org with any questions.
Finally, I want to remind you that we are only a few weeks away from the launch of our new Saturday Night service on March 26th at 6pm in our sanctuary. Pastor Julian will be serving as the lead pastor for this new worship opportunity and I want to encourage you all to consider being a part of the launch on the 26th and invite others to join you as well.
If you are interested in serving on one of our Saturday Night Teams and help with our Welcome Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Production, or Special Needs Ministries you can sign up by visiting this link.
I look forward to gathering with you in person or online this Sunday!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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