Dear First Family,
It has been a difficult week for us all as we have seen a significant rise in positive cases here in our area. Several school districts in our area including Mansfield ISD have made the decision to temporarily close and we know our local hospitals are also strained by this recent surge.
Above all, what I want you to hear today is that we are here to help.
That means that your pastors and our staff are here to support you and your family in whatever way we can. If you have a specific prayer request or need that we might be able to help you with, feel free to send us an email to info@fmcm.org or text us at 817-477-2287.
It also means that – as the body of Christ committed to sharing life together – we are here to help one another.
You can do that today by checking in with one another or spending some time praying for those you know who have been personally affected by this current surge. Perhaps you might offer to drop off a meal or purchase a gift card for someone to have food delivered.
Finally, I want you to know that we will continue to worship both in-person and online this Sunday.
That is our plan for this Sunday as well as our expectation going forward as well. We expect that our in-person and online participation will fluctuate during weeks like these. We have already seen that in recent weeks with lower in-person attendance and higher online participation.
We also have confidence that our church has learned how to gather in-person safely for those who choose to participate in that way. With that, our pastors and staff have also learned how to live with increased caution to do all we can to ensure we are available to be in-person ourselves.
Let me add one more note…
Our prayers will continue for this pandemic to come to an end.
I would not want you to hear any of this information as a “surrender” to the notion that healing and restoration can not or will not happen for our world…
What I do want to ensure that you hear is that we have learned together, we have grown together and we will continue moving forward together.
I hope you will make every effort to join with each other in-person or online this Sunday. There is no better way for us to respond in the midst of challenging circumstances and live into our commitment to help, love and support one another.
I love you and I am so proud of you,
Pastor David.
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