Dear First Family,
This weekend we will dive into the second half of Paul’s letter to the church of Ephesus. In our summer-long season centered on Ephesians, we spend the first six weeks walking through chapters 1-3. We’ll spend the rest of our time reading through chapters 4-6.
In the first three chapters, Paul’s main focus has been on reinforcing for the young Christian community at Ephesus what God had done IN CHRIST.
In the remaining chapters, his theme will shift to what we must now do in response.
He’s going to get into the weeds – the practical, concrete, everyday challenges of the Christian life that we live together in Christian community. Whether you are in person or online, I hope you will be a part of one of our worship services this weekend as we begin “part two” by looking at Ephesians 4:1-16.
Also, if you haven’t heard we have a very active Boomers and Beyond ministry this summer. If you are retired or of retirement age, I want you to check out all that this ministry has going on over the next several months. You can see a list of all of their events by visiting our website or by emailing them directly at boomers@fmcm.org.
We are excited that United Mission Week is starting in less than two weeks! Please be in prayer now for all of our students and adults who have said YES to serving in our community on July 17-21. If you feel called to serve that week, we still have a couple of opportunities. Feel free to email students@fmcm.org to see how you can serve.
Grace and Peace
Pastor David
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