May 3, 2024

It’s going to be an incredible weekend of worship

by David Alexander

Dear First Family, 
I hope to see you in worship this weekend as we continue our journey through the Gospel of John. This week we continue our look at the last night Jesus shared with his disciples and focus on how Jesus prepared them for what is to come by way of the promises he shared on that final night. 
This weekend we are also preparing for our Confirmation Commitment Service which will take place at 3 pm in our Sanctuary. We have 31 6th-grade students who have spent the last ten weeks in preparation for this special moment when they will each have the chance to confirm the promises made at their baptism and commit their lives to Christ. 
I want to invite our entire church to join us for this special service. It is one of the most moving services we have each year as these students profess their faith and are surrounded by their families, mentors, and pastors as we pray blessings over each of them. 
I also wanted you to have the opportunity to pray for each of them by name as they prepare for this weekend. The names of each of our Confirmands are written below. If you are looking for a way to pray for them, consider using the prayer that Paul shares in Ephesians 3:14-21. You can find that passage here
Finally, if you would like to write any of them a note, feel free to do so and drop them off at our Connecting Point this weekend before or after worship and we will make sure those notes are received. 
It’s going to be an incredible weekend. I hope you will be a part of all that we have the chance to celebrate this weekend! 
Grace & Peace, 
Pastor David

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