Happy Friday Church Family,
I can think of SIX reasons why this week was a great week! Oh, there were certainly low moments that tried to make it a bad week… trust me that there were sad and rough moments among our church this week… but the Kingdom and First Methodist Mansfield added 6 new members just this week, and there were 11 more in last month’s Starting Point.
Their reasons for joining now? I heard the stories straight from every one of these new members last month and this week, and what I heard over and over was … Connection!
“I visited months ago and you called during all this to check on me.”
“I filled out a prayer card asking for a prayer for my friend… and your Care Team called my friend!”
I was looking for supportive Men and ending up hearing from three of you and am already in a Men’s group.”
I could go on. We celebrate every soul, every member, every visitor, and every community member who is a part of what we have happening here at First Methodist Mansfield. THAT is why this was a great week.
I want to personally THANK YOU First Methodist Mansfield church family because you bring these new faces in. You make these calls. You extend the invitation. You know that “everyone has a next step” and you believe that “changed lives lead to changed lives.”
Here are a couple of ways you can live out our mission for Making Disciples this coming week…
Angel Tree Drive-Thru is this Sunday from 12:30 – 4:30 in the Pleasant Ridge Circle Drive. You can pick up an angel or drive-thru and drop off your gift. Please go to fmcmonline.org/angeltree for more information.
Big Christmas is about to happen! Imagine our whole outdoor campus FILLED with Christmas Cheer! Go to fmcmonline.org/bigchristmas to visit our Christmas Store, purchase a poinsettia in honor or memory of a loved one and for all of the information on what we are doing this year – to make Christmas BIG.
Dive into this amazing Care Ministry of ours and be a part of the excitement of Loving God, Loving Others, and Serving the world. For information on how you can be part of our care opportunities, contact our care team at care@fmcm.org
Join me in welcoming these six people into the life and ministry here at First Methodist Mansfield:
Nashi Burke
Deb Lawson
Ruthie Stotler
Tamera Bounds
Bobbie Burnett
Truman Burnett
– TD
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