Dear First Family,
Have you registered for Easter yet?
It is still a few weeks away, but to help us prepare to share an Easter unlike any other, we need your help! In addition to our sunrise service which will take place at 7 am at Town Park, we will have four identical Easter services in our sanctuary on Easter Sunday at 9 am, 11 am, 2 pm, and 4 pm.
Our goal is that every single person who makes the decision to attend Easter indoors actually gets the chance to attend Easter indoors and for as many as possible who make that decision to have the chance to participate in one of those four opportunities.
All four of our Easter service will still be offered Indoor | Outdoor | Online. We have some special things planned at the Back Porch, our outdoor worship environment, but if you are planning on attending indoors, I want to encourage you to think about your Easter day in a different way.
We are already at almost 70% capacity with registrations for our 9 am and 11 am services so we expect those to be full! We would love to see our sanctuary full (with safe distancing of course) at all four worship hours.
To register for one of our indoor services or find out more about everything we will be doing to make this a unique and unforgettable experience for you and your family, visit www.easterinmansfield.org.
As always, if there are any questions you have, you can always send an email to info@fmcm.org, send us a message through Facebook, or text us at 817-477-2287.
I’m looking forward to sharing worship with you this weekend Indoor | Outdoor | Online as we continue our current series and take another step towards our Easter celebrations!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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