If you need more information about any of these events or opportunities, feel free to email us here or text us at 817-477-6498 and a member of our staff will connect with you.
April 24th • 6:30 PM • Building D: Gathering Room
There is still time to register for our New Member Dinner that is tomorrow. Our New Member Dinner is open to all those who have recently joined or those who are interested in joining First Methodist Mansfield. Pastors and staff members will be present to answer questions and help you get connected in different ministries. Register Here.
April 28th • 2:00 – 4:00 PM • Sanctuary and Online
As a church committed to serving and blessing our community, we are grateful to be hosting Dr. Kimberly Cantu, the Superintendent of the Mansfield School District for an information session regarding the upcoming bond election on May 4th. All are invited to attend. We’ve also extended invitations to all churches in our community to join us as well. This session will take place at 2 pm in our main sanctuary. If you reside within MISD and have not had a chance to learn about these potential initiatives, we hope you will join us for this gathering.
Orders close on May 1st.
Don’t forget to order a mum in honor or memory of your mom or another special women in your life. The United Women in Faith are taking orders for live mums through May 1st. You can place your order online Here. These mums will be used to bring joy to our worship spaces on Mother’s Day Weekend (May 11th & 12th) and can be picked up after you attend worship that weekend so you can continue to bring joy to others.
May 2nd • 10:30 AM and 7:00 PM
Join us at Market Street to pray for our community at 10:30am – 11:00am as we recognize and celebrate the heart of National Day of prayer. Later that evening at 7pm there will be two community wide gatherings at both Methodist Mansfield and Texas Health Hospitals. We will be blessed by music from two of our area High School Choirs. We’ll have a short presentation and prayer time at each location before doing a prayer walk around the hospital.
May 19th • 6:00 PM • Building A: The Loft
We are so excited to get to celebrate our High School Graduates, the Class of 2024, as they embark on a new season of life! All graduating seniors and their families are invited to join us for a time of celebration and worship to celebrate the accomplishments of our seniors and their future aspirations. Dinner will be provided followed by a service. To be included in the Senior Booklet and to RSVP to Senior Celebration, Register Here.
May 18th & 19th • During all Services
Please join us as we take part in the distribution of Bibles for all 2nd graders, as well as any 3rd and 4th graders who haven’t received one yet. Please take a moment to fill out this quick form to let us know which service you will be able to attend that weekend.

Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin
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