Generosity Campaign

In his letter, the Apostle James declares, “every good and perfect gift is from above!” In these words we find the solid foundation on which a life of faith is built. To live by faith is understanding that every breath that we breathe is a gift. It is appreciating each person in our life as a gift. It is believing that everything we have ever been given is a gift. Life itself is a gift of God.

In faith we trust that this moment and all the moments that follow are gifts from a generous and loving God who desires that we experience the promise Jesus offers of “a life to the full.”

The incredible surprise of this life we find in Jesus is that it is only in our willingness to be emptied that we truly discover what it means to be full. In surrendering our life to Jesus, we don’t find joy or peace or love.

Rather, in our surrendering, joy and peace and love find us. The glorious wonder and astonishing truth that is revealed when we invite Jesus to make his home in us is that love had been looking for us all along.

In the life we share together, there is no greater joy than giving what we have received so that others might discover the unexpected joy of the abundant life found in Him.

To fill out online, click on the Commitment Card above.


Generosity Booklet

Download Generosity Booklet Here


A Thousand Generations Story

The Dawsons

Madi Harmon

The Huffhines