Thursday January 9, 2025
Today is Thursday, January 9. This week we prayerfully explore what God has next for us in the upcoming new year.
Opening Prayer
As I enter a time of prayer, I pause and become still. I calm my thoughts and silence my mind. I breathe deeply and slowly, and center myself upon the presence of God. Come Holy Lord, reveal whatever You have next for me in this new year. I surrender myself to Your pleasing and perfect will, trusting in the knowledge that You work all things together for good. Guide and equip me to fulfill Your desires, purposes and plans. Order my steps, instruct my ways, inspire my intentions and direct my motivations. Amen.
Scripture Reading
Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:20-21
As I begin a new year walking with God and seeking to do His will, I can be confident that He will supply me with everything I need to obey Him in all things. At the end of the letter to the Hebrews, the author offers some concluding encouragement and a prayer for the believers. Centuries later, I read this prayer as if it was written to me personally. I consider how God may choose to speak to me through these ancient words to guide my walk with Him into the future. The prayer says, “Now may the God of peace, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in you what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ. Amen.” (Hebrews 13:20-21 edited)
I imagine this prayer being prayed over me in the ancient gathering of Christians who persevered in the faith and found encouragement in fellowship with one another. Along with them, I can also depend on the Lord and seek strength in my Christian walk. I am reminded that God is a God of peace, and He is the One who provides the peace that passes understanding. Jesus is my loving Shepherd who laid down His life for me and guides me into what is good and right. The Holy Spirit is my Advocate who equips me with everything I need to follow and obey.
God will continue to work in me all that is pleasing to Him. I surrender my future in confident assurance knowing I can trust Jesus to be with me always and gently lead me to what is next. I ponder what God might be saying to me about my future. What is next for me in 2025? What direction is God giving me for the upcoming year? Perhaps God is revealing His will for my life, or equipping me with what I need, or correcting my path or working on me in a new way. Whatever God has in store for me, I will trust and obey. I surrender my life and will to Him and wait to see how I am to move forward.
Ask: How might God want to equip me in 2025 to do His will? How might my Good Shepherd, Jesus, use His rod and staff to guide and direct me in the new year?
Pause and Pray
Closing Prayer
Blessed Lord, You are my Shepherd! I listen for Your voice and long to follow You. Lead me the way I should go, work in me what is pleasing, equip me with whatever I need to accomplish Your will. I pray my life will honor You and glorify Your name. Guide me the way I should go. Show me where I am lacking on my journey and equip me with everything I need to follow You and fulfill Your plans and purposes. Do not allow me to get too far ahead of You or lag behind You. Keep me close by Your side every step of the way and lead me into all goodness, holiness and righteousness. Amen.
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