The First 15

Friday February 2, 2024

by Jan Davis

Today is Friday, February 2 and we are studying what the Bible says about Sabbath worship.

Opening Prayer

As I begin a new day, I fix my eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith. I focus on faithfully following his footsteps as he gently leads me on the well-worn paths of holiness.

Pause and Pray

Blessed Lord and Savior, teach me God’s holy rhythm for a Sabbath life. Reveal truth and vanquish lies, let love cast out fear, shine the light that overcomes the darkness, and fill me with the peace that passes understanding. Amen.

Scripture Reading

I worship God and praise his name with the ancient words of Psalm 100.

Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:1-3

Pause and Pray

Early on, sacrifices became the heart of the worship of God in the Old Testament. There were two main purposes for ancient sacrifices – the cleansing of sin and the expression of thanksgiving. The New Testament stresses that the sacrifices of blood did not actually take away sin, rather, they pointed to the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross. His blood was shed for all. God still wants our sacrifices today- sacrifices of our lives dedicated fully to him. Lives poured out in praise and worship. Lives rich with deeds of kindness and compassion done to others. Lives committed to employing everything in the work of God.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2


In order to understand what it truly means to worship God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I must carefully consider this passage in Romans written by Paul. In response to a loving and merciful God, I offer my body. My physical body is meant to be kept holy and offered completely without reserve to a holy God as a living sacrifice. This is what it means to live a Christian life, offering all that I am and all that I have to be employed in the work of God’s kingdom. Like a libation, Paul poured himself out in love and service for God and others, and I am called to do the same.

Ask: How do I understand my worship as offering a living sacrifice to God? How can I more thoroughly pour myself out in love for others?

Pause and Pray

God, I thank you for your great mercy. In the morning I bow down to worship you, I lift my hands in praise of your wonderful deeds, I offer myself to you, my whole self. Make me holy, Lord, let my life be pleasing to you. Let my heart be filled with pure intentions. Transform and renew my mind and reveal your good, pleasing and perfect will for me. I read the words from Romans again and listen for the message you have for me.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2

Ask: What image, word or phrase stands out to me when I slowly read this passage? What is God trying to say to me through these words of scripture?

Pause and Pray

As I ruminate on these words of sacred scripture, I consider what message God has for me today. Maybe he wants me to see how I am conforming myself to the world and not fully offering myself to him. Perhaps I am holding back part of myself because I consider it unworthy, unholy or untrue. Maybe God wants me to realize his great mercy and love for me. Perhaps God desires to transform my soul and renew my mind. Maybe God wants me to recognize his will for my life – and know that it is good, pleasing and perfect. I listen with the ear of my heart to comprehend God’s essential and personal insight.

Pause and Pray

Blessed Lord, speak truth into my life and reveal the shadow places of darkness and doubt. I offer all of myself to you, holding nothing back. I know that you can cleanse me, sanctify me and make my life worthy to be a sacrificial offering. I pray that you will take my life and let it be used to honor and glorify your name and point people to your Son Jesus Christ. Amen.

As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: Be holy, because I am holy. 1 Peter 1:14-16

Closing Prayer

As I leave this time of prayer, I go to pour myself out in love and service for God and the world.


The First 15

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