DAY: Starting on: October 3rd • 10:00 – 11:30 AM • Chapel
EVENING: Starting on: October 4th • 6:30 – 8:00 PM • Building D
When people risk joining together with others in a common desire to know and love God and neighbor more fully the Holy Spirit will be present in recognizable ways. Discipleship in early Methodism was centered on this conviction. Beyond curriculum-driven studies, Wesley organized his churches into small groups that met weekly to share how they were doing spiritually by answering the basic question: “How is it with your soul?” Join Pastor Thomas and Michelle Rebel to learn about Wesleyan Small Groups and practice what became the heartbeat of the Methodist movement. You can register Here.
During all Services this weekend in the Atrium
This weekend we will be hosting our annual “Colors for Cancer”. We recognize that far too many people have been diagnosed with cancer or know somebody who has. We want to honor you and those you love by inviting everybody to wear the color that represents the type of cancer that has affected you or a loved one that weekend as well as stop by our Atrium to pick up God is Big Enough bracelets representing each of the cancer types. These bracelets will remain in our Atrium for the month of October.
October 8th • 12:30 PM • Parking Lot
Our second truck load of pumpkins will be here October 8th and we would love your help in unloading all of these pumpkins. To help, simply show up at 12:30pm on the front lawn of the church facing Walnut Creek. Pumpkin unloading is fun for the whole family! We have opportunities for all ages and abilities to help us set up The Patch. For more information, email us at students@fmcm.org or visit our website here. Please avoid parking in the spaces facing N. Walnut Creek Dr. by the pumpkin patch on Sunday Morning so our pumpkin truck can park there.
Thursdays • 6:30 PM • Chapel
Celebrate Recovery is a biblical centered 12 step program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups and habits and is a safe place. Here at First Methodist Mansfield, we believe that we are all in recovery from something. We all experience stress, loss, pain, grief, and hurts throughout our lives. When we are struggling or in pain, it is natural and easy to feel more isolated and find it harder to cope. Our hope is that through life’s toughest times and challenges, you find in us a community to meet you where you are and walk beside you through this special recovery based ministry.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Thursday night at 6:30 and have childcare from ages 6 weeks – 4th grade. If you would like more information, please email us at celebraterecovery@fmcm.org. You can also visit our website here.
October 13th • 7:00 PM • Sanctuary
We have a new sanctuary piano! We want to take a moment to dedicate our piano for the Glory of God and in service to our church on Friday October 13th at 7pm. There will be scripture, prayers and of course beautiful music during this special service. All are welcome!
October 15th • 4:00 – 6:00 PM • Chapel
Family Experience is a high-energy, crazy-fun, interactive program where all ages learn and experience God together. Parents, grandparents, toddlers, kids and youth of all ages can experience worship side by side. We hope to see you there as we focus on living with INTEGRITY! What’s inside matters most. The worship service will be in the Chapel and the message it brings will be DRIVEN home by a family activity of building logo cars followed by a fun derby race in the gym. Prizes for each winner in each category will be given. If you would like more information, email children@fmcm.org
Register today!
Capstone is a multi-week program during the spring semester designed to help seniors in high school PREPARE for life as a Christ follower after high school. Throughout Capstone students will learn to CONNECT with God and with their peers, SERVE those within their community, and LEAD within the student ministry and the church as a whole. We accomplish these goals by combining deep Christ-centered discussions with hands-on activities that help develop important life skills. For more information on this ministry and to register to be a part of Capstone, visit our website here.
Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin
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