You are invited to come experience awakening and community that gets generated under an outpouring of the Holy Spirit through the New Room Conference. Our staff is taking intentional time to be part of the live stream of this conference this week (Sept. 20-22) and we would love for you to join us. Here is the schedule:
Wednesday (9/20)
1:00pm – Conference Begins
5:00pm – Dinner Break
7:30pm – Evening Session
9:00pm – Conclude for the evening
Thursday (9/21)
8:45am – Opening Worship
11:15am – Breakout 1
12:30pm – Lunch
1:30pm – Breakout 2
5:00pm – Dinner Break
7:30pm – Evening Session
9:00pm – Conclude for the evening
Friday (9/22)
8:45am – Opening Worship
12:00pm – Dismissal
So that our staff can fully experience this conference and connect with all who attend, our church office will be closed September 20-22. If you need to get a hold of us during those days, or anytime, feel free to email us at info@fmcm.org or text us at 817-477-6498 and a member of our staff will get back with you shortly.
September 24th • 12:30 PM • Church Parking Lot
Fall is here, and soon our pumpkins will be too! On September 24th, we will be receiving an 18-wheeler FULL of so many pumpkins! We would love your help in unloading all of these pumpkins. To help, simply show up at 12:30pm on the front lawn of the church facing Walnut Creek. Once you arrive to unload, you will be placed on a team and assigned a certain area of the patch to unload pumpkins. Pumpkin unloading is fun for the whole family! We have opportunities for all ages and abilities to help us set up The Patch. For more information, email us at students@fmcm.org or visit our website here. Please avoid parking in the spaces facing N. Walnut Creek Dr. by the pumpkin patch on Sunday Morning so our pumpkin truck can park there.
DAY: September 26th • Tuesday • 9:00 – 10:30 AM • Chapel – C10
EVENING: September 28th • Thursday • 6:30 – 8:00 PM • Bldg. A216
Everyone knows “it takes a village” when it comes to raising kids, and our newest group “The Village” is here to help you do just that. Each month The Village will feature a program that will highlight a particular challenge as it relates to parenting, mentoring, leading, and/or teaching children, and help you find ways to respond to those challenges in a practical and loving way. The Village is intended for all types of caregivers as we all play a role in raising the children in our community! The goal is for everyone to have the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and resources, while also making connections with other parents, grandparents, youth leaders, and teachers who are likely experiencing many of the same challenges when it comes to raising our children. We want to create a space where everyone can learn, share, laugh, cry, support and connect…after all, isn’t that what a village is for? We will offer this wonderful group in two sessions per month. One will be the last Tuesday of each month in the morning with the second on the last Thursday of each month in the evening, this will give everyone an opportunity to attend. “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
September 27th • 6:30 – 8:00 PM • Building D
Are you interested in becoming a Member of First Methodist Mansfield? Have you joined over the past several months and want to get plugged in? We want to invite you to our New Member Dinner! During this dinner, Pastors and staff members will be present to answer questions and help you get connected in different ministries. To sign up for our New Member Dinner, go Here. If you have any questions or want more information, email us at guestservices@fmcm.org.
October 15th • 4:00 – 6:00 PM • Chapel
Family Experience is a high-energy, crazy-fun, interactive program where all ages learn and experience God together. Parents, grandparents, toddlers, kids and youth of all ages can experience worship side by side. We hope to see you there as we focus on living with INTEGRITY! What’s inside matters most. The worship service will be in the Chapel and the message it brings will be DRIVEN home by a family activity of building logo cars followed by a fun derby race in the gym. Prizes for each winner in each category will be given.
October 28th • 3:00 – 5:00 PM • Church Parking Lots
Get out your calendars and save the date, Saturday October 28th is going to be a blast! Join us for our Fall Family Extravaganza from 3:00 – 5:00pm on our main campus parking lot. This year will be bigger and better than ever! Our whole parking lot will be covered with trunks, treats, and tons of fun. This event is open to everybody so invite all of your neighbors and friends to come.
Here is How You Can Help:
- Save A Spot: Last year we had thousands of people from our congregation and community on our campus for this fun event. This year we want to invite you to gather your family, friends, small group, class, teams and save some spots in our parking lot to host some fall fun! You can set up and decorate trunks, use lawn chairs and card tables, host a game, and so much more. Awards will be given out to those who show the most fall fun! We can’t wait to see how creative everybody can be. The more saved spaces, the more fun for our congregation and community. To save a spot, fill out this quick form.
- Donate Candy: we would love for you to donate some candy/treats. Bring a bag or two to our church atrium before the big day.
- Setup or Clean Up: Be part of our setup or clean up crew! Email info@fmcm.org if you are interested.
Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin
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