May 10th • 6:30 – 8:30 PM • Building D: Gathering Room
Our New Member Dinner is THIS WEDNESDAY and we would love for you to come! If you have been visiting us for a while or if this is your first time, I want to invite you to our New Member Dinner on Wednesday May 10th at 6:30pm. This gathering is open to all of those who have recently joined First Methodist Mansfield as well as those who are interested in joining the church. Our New Member Dinner is a casual opportunity to meet our staff and pastors as well as hear about ways you can connect with the ministries here at First Methodist Mansfield. To sign up for our New Member Dinner, go Here. If you have any questions or want more information, email us at guestservices@fmcm.org.
By now you should have received your First Things First Commitment Card in the mail. We wanted to connect with you as you are prayerfully considering making a financial commitment for 2023. Many of you have already turned in your commitment card, or have spent time in prayer and will be turning it in shortly.
If you are ready to turn in your commitment card, you can do that the following ways:
- Mail it to our church office using the self-addressed envelope that was enclosed in the mailing.
- Stop by our church office at 951 N. Walnut Creek, Mansfield, TX 76063
- Bring it to worship with you and place it in one of our drop boxes located outside the worship space.
- Fill out your commitment card electronically by visiting this Link.
- Hand it to one of our staff members at the Connecting Point this weekend.
If you have any questions about your previous year’s gifts, or about future gifts, please contact us at finance@fmcm.org or call the church office at 817-477-2287.
During All Services this Weekend
With the ending of our journey in Real Christianity Season 3, we will be having a time in all three services this weekend to remember our baptism. We spend this time together in remembrance united with the church and one another as together we love, forgive, suffer, and celebrate as a baptized disciple of Jesus Christ. If you have not been baptized, and wish to be this weekend, let us know by emailing us at info@fmcm.org.
We want to invite you to attend one of three Town Hall gatherings we will be having this month. In each of these, our lay leaders will share a summary of the feedback received from our congregation this spring to inform the next steps of faith God is leading us to take as we step into the future. Mark your calendars for the following dates and times: Wednesday, May 17th at 11am, Sunday, May 21st at 3pm, and Sunday, May 28th at 12:30pm.
May 13th and 14th • During All Services
Help us Feed the Kids! This is the last weekend where we will have brown grocery bags in the pews with a list of items needed to support Feed the Kids. This is a local Ministry Partner whose purpose is to feed children that are food insecure over the summer. If you are able to pick up a bag, we would love for you to bring it back filled, the following week with the items requested. If you were unable to make it to worship but would like to help, please know that First Methodist is hosting a food drive all summer to fill the shelves with the items they need most which include:
- Individual Mac & Cheese Cups
- Individual Chef Boyardee
- Individual Fruit Cups/Applesauce
You can place these items in the big blue bins found around our campus throughout the summer and we will make sure they get to the right place. For questions or for more information on how you can serve with Feed the Kids, email us at serving@fmcm.org.
May 20th and 21st • During All Services
All 2nd graders are invited to join their parents in worship on May 20th and 21st where we will be a special time in the service for them to receive their very own Bible. After receiving their Bibles, we will take a group picture in the Atrium. Your children may then go to Ignite with the Children’s Staff Member present or return to their parents and attend the rest of the service. If you are in 3rd or 4th grade and have not received a Bible from us, please join us as well. For more information email children@fmcm.org.
Don’t forget to check out our Online Bulletin each week for: New Events, Prayer Request, Giving and ways you can connect to all we have going on here at First Methodist Mansfield. FMCM.org/Bulletin
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