Happy Warm, Beautiful Friday Fellow Believers,
A friend of mine, a gentleman who leads one of the many Men’s Groups in our church, gave me a bracelet this week that has “The Rock” printed on it. I thought… “Wow, he really likes the actor Dwayne The Rock Johnson.” Then I flipped it over and read the other side “ Psalm 18:2” it read.
The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,
my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
My friend leads a group of our Men every year on a week-long adventure packed with camping, exploring, fellowshipping, and soul feeding in Big Bend National Park. They call the trip “The Rock” and meditate on this verse all week.
He gave me the bracelet this week, however, because of Pastor David’s message last week describing Peter as “the rock upon which Jesus would build His church.” My friend’s kind gift was a reminder of the rocks; those people, groups, and events, that have been my refuge all year!
People like my wife and my Pastor
Groups like my Men’s Group, my Small Group, and my Team at work
Events like Online church for so many months, then some beautiful Outdoor worship, and now Indoor worship.
The very very best time of year is coming. Spring! Easter! Newness of all kinds! Collect your rocks. Hold them close. Rocks can represent The Lord. Rocks can represent the Church. In a few weeks… we will see that rocks can even roll aside, be moved, and release the light of the world!
Join us this weekend at 9:00 and 11:00 am to continue learning what it means to be CHRISTIAN? At our Indoor services in the Sanctuary, Outdoor services on The Back Porch, and Online at www.fmcm.org or on Facebook. Children’s 1st – 4th grade can already rejoin us post-SnowVid, Special Needs is back at 11:00 am, and Pray & Go is this Saturday from 10:00 am to noon in the Sanctuary.
Collect your ROCKS,
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