December 8, 2023

Celebrating your generosity!

by David Alexander

Dear First Family,

We have had many opportunities to give God thanks for your generosity and care over the past week. 

First we can celebrate a very successful Children’s Ministry Event we had on Sunday. With over 200 in attendance for our Happy Birthday Jesus Worship Experience, we witnessed an incredible example of how we are reaching the next generation for Jesus in a beautiful way. 

If you have not watched our recap video you can do that here

We received gifts with an estimated worth of over $100,000 for Angel Tree over the past several weeks. We give God thanks for these beautiful expressions of love and grace we were able to distribute this week to all our Angels as well as the many volunteers who spent the last week sorting and delivering these gifts. 

Generosity takes on many different forms, and this week you have embodied that grace shared with our community in extraordinary ways.

This Sunday we will be having our annual Remembrance Service. This service is for anyone who wants to honor and remember a loved one during this last year. We offer this special service each year to bless and support  you during this holiday season. If you are currently in this season, or know someone who is, I want to extend this special invitation for you to join myself and our care ministry team in the Sanctuary at 4pm on Sunday. 
And finally, we are just over two weeks away from two of the biggest days of our entire year. The times and styles of each of our nine Christmas Eve services we will share on the 23rd and 24th are printed below. I look forward to seeing you at one of these Candlelight services and hope you will invite others to join you as well. 
December 23rd

2pm Family Service

6pm Contemporary Service

8pm Traditions Service

December 24th

10am Family Service

2pm Family Service

4pm Contemporary Service

6pm Contemporary Service

8pm Traditions Service

11:30pm Communion and Candlelight 


I look forward to seeing you in worship this weekend! 

Grace & Peace,

Pastor David

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