Dear First Family,
We are looking forward to a great Sunday of celebrating the ministry of Pastor Tina as she prepares for the new role she will soon begin as the Lead Pastor as the First United Methodist Church of Grandview and the Watts Chapel United Methodist Church.
Tina has served our church for more than two decades and in both our 9 am and 11 am services this Sunday we will be honoring her faithful and fruitful service here and praying blessings on her, her family, and this new chapter in her pastoral ministry. Tina will be preaching both of those services and you can participate indoor, outdoor on our Back Porch, or online.
At 1 pm, Tina will be available in the Walnut Creek circle drive for those who would like to drive-thru to express their appreciation for her. Additionally, we will have an outdoor cookie reception at 1:30 pm on our Back Porch for those who would like to see her at that time.
Throughout the day we will have a place for you to drop off a card for Pastor Tina as well.
Today I want to also express my deep appreciation for our Easter miracle. We had over 2000 participate in-person during our three in-person Easter celebrations. We had a phenomenal Sunrise Service. Our staff and hundreds of volunteers did the work that normally takes months in a matter of 12 days so that we could have two incredible services at the MISD Center for the Performing Arts.
And on top of all of that, I am so grateful to share that we were also streamed live into 700 homes on Sunday morning who joined us online for those Easter services.
Thank you, God for an incredible Easter! Thank you church for all your work to allow us to share the greatest news any of us have ever received. It was a day that I will never forget. I’m so proud of you.
I look forward to seeing you this weekend as we celebrate Pastor Tina. I’ve had the joy of working alongside her for 16 years. I have seen the numerous ways that her investment has made us who we are today.
I know she is going to be a phenomenal leader in the churches she is going to serve.
This weekend is all about saying thank you.
Grace & Peace,
Pastor David
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