Dear First Family,
This past Wednesday we hosted our quarterly New Member Dinner. Our pastors and staff greatly enjoy the opportunity to officially welcome those who have made the decision to claim First Methodist Mansfield as their church home. I appreciate having the chance to hear how they came to that decision.
I always hear kind words about our wonderful music teams. They often express how they have been blessed by the message of our pastors. They speak about groups they have joined, and friends they have made, but perhaps the most meaningful thing I hear again and again is how welcomed these new brothers and sisters felt by you!
They tell me about a smile that greeted them at the door, how someone went out of their way to introduce themselves, the spirit of joy they experienced in worship but also the feeling from the entire congregation.
There may not be any better test of the health of a congregation than how well they welcome those who are walking in for the very first time.
Today, I want to celebrate your faithfulness in that and remind us all of how meaningful that is for those who are hoping to find a place to call home.
In case you missed it, I also want to share a special announcement from this past weekend.
Please mark your calendars. Set aside this date and this time. October 29th, 2pm, we will be having a special Ordination service for Rev. Julian Hobdy.
For those who may not know, ordination is what happens at the culmination of one’s academic preparation for pastoral ministry and with the affirmation of other ordained clergy to be set aside for the lifelong work of serving as an Elder in God’s Holy Church.
This service will be held in our sanctuary and I want us to pack the house for this holy and sacred moment we will share together. It’s a big deal in Julian’s life, but also a big deal in the life we share together.
I look forward to seeing you in worship this weekend as we continue our focus on strengthening our life together!
I love you and I am proud of you!
Pastor David
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